Wherever you are...
Educational courses, seminars and workshops can be held in any country at a place of your choosing and can be customized to your needs.
Some of the most popular courses are:
Introduction to Quantum Healing and
The Healing Light of Your Soul3 day Workshop
This workshop is a mini version of 'The Healing Light of Your Soul' 10 week transformational program. In the full program you will go deeper in the profound teachings of the future vibrational medicine. In this 3 day workshop you will get familiar with some of the basic technique of self-healing.
Do you believe that the light of your soul can heal your body? Are you aware that all pain, chronic and acute diseases are just a call for help from your soul? In our program, 'The Healing Light of Your Soul', we invite you to embark on a new and unfamiliar journey to healing. While this approach may be unfamiliar to many, I have the expertise and years of experience to witness its success. Together, we will delve into the depths of your spiritual potential and explore the power of Informational and Energy Medicine. Discover the fascinating world of the informational field, download the necessary information for healthy cell function, and tap into the sphere of creating desired realities. You will also learn techniques to visualize and understand your internal organs, as well as the auras of humans, animals, and plants. By playfully cleaning and regenerating your aura and your energy centers through the light of your soul you'll ignite the regenerative process in your organs. This program holds incredible value not only for adults but also for children. Are you ready to embrace 'The Healing Light of Your Soul' and unlock the true potential of your body's regeneration? |
Methods of Quantum Healing & Manifestation3 day Seminar
In an easy and playful way, we will learn how to recognize and transform destructive programs in our sub-consciousness. These control our physical and psychological conditions and our behavior in a negative way.
The topics of the seminar are the following: Regeneration of organs, taking control of your life situation, conscious and competent participation in the creation of the new era. We will learn about the Information Field and how to receive the necessary information from it for our cells to work properly by using 2 - Point - Technique and others. We will also learn how geometrical shapes, music and colors influence our health and reality. We will experience Quantum Wave and learn how to use it to create an amazing life for us and others. This easy methods can be learned by everyone and used immediately after this seminar for people, animals and plants. |
Your journey to the next level of consciousness -
make it easy and fun! 6 hours seminar
We living in the time of the great transition to the new level of consciousness. Some people would call it The Fifth Dimension. What does it mean? Will this Great Transformation happen without our active participation or does it requires some conscious actions from our side? How we can help our self and assist others to make this huge step much easier? Where to find the group of people who are also aware about this transition and what we could do as a group? How to recognize your own mission?
Clean Your Ancestry Timeline from Dramas
for Harmony in Your Life 6 hours seminar
Did you know that our physical bodies act as carriers of energy and information passed down through generations? In every family, there's a tapestry woven with dramas and traumas from the past. Life unfolds, bringing both joyous and challenging events, but not everyone is aware of how to cleanse the lingering energy from these ancestral experiences.
Have you ever considered the impact of your ancestral lineage on your life? The dramas and traumas from previous generations can have a profound effect on our well-being and the well-being of generations to come. Yet, the question remains: do you know how to effectively clean and release this old energy and information embedded in your family's history? Join us in this seminar where we will explore the intricate ways in which the dramas within your family line influence new generations. Discover the importance of cleansing your ancestral energy and learn practical techniques to release the burdensome energy and information associated with past traumas. This transformative process is not only enlightening but immediate, offering a chance for lasting change in your life. And here's another question: Do you have your family tree, ancestral photos, or family books? If so, bring them with you to the seminar, as we embark together on a journey of understanding, healing, and empowerment, creating a harmonious path for ourselves and the generations that follow. |
Energy of New Era:
Unified Chakra, Alpha and Omega Chakras, Energy 999 From the Merkaba to the Mer-Ka-Na 6 hours seminar
Learn how to activate Alpha and Omega Chakras as well as how to unify all chakras in one Unified Chakra. What are the benefits of this and other extrasensory abilities? We know about the planetary movement and how this movment is creating new qualities of energy. Wich kind of energy influens our planet and us in this period of time? How we can benefit from this energy?
What is Mer_Ka-Na and how we can use the knowledge about it? |
Anatomy and Physiology of Energy Body -
Level 1 - for advanced Energy Healers, Light Workers, and TCM Practitioners
3 day seminar with certification
Level 1 - for advanced Energy Healers, Light Workers, and TCM Practitioners
3 day seminar with certification

Our universe is at the moment in an active moving process together with all the planets and stars. We know that the meridians and acupuncture points are strongly connected to the planets. This means that the location of acupuncture points are changing at the moment also. How can we find the right acupuncture points for effective results?
We are leaving the vibrational level of separation, and develop more and more holistic perception for our physical, energy and informational body. We do not see our chakras as a separated energy transformers but as a very intelligent complete energy and informational system, connected to the whole universe. In this seminar you can learn how the energy transfers the information from the informational field to the DNAs for the cells and organs to work properly. We discover our inner Power of Creator and learn how to control the body functions, and how to create your desire reality. We learn to work with White Divine Light, and integrate the elements for the future team work with them.
We learn to see aura and to feel our physical body from inside.
IANC - International Academy of New Consciousness - is interested to educate future teachers and practitioners in the Methods of Quantum Healing and Quantum Reality. You can start now!
To book one of the seminars or workshops you have to go to UPCOMING EVENTS. If you are interested on organizing one of these or other of my seminars, workshops, meditation or exercise groups you can write me an email. When you will have more than 10 participants you will get 20 % of the income from this event.