Introduction to Quantum Healing Quantum Healing Explained: Quantum healing is based on the principle that the universe, including our bodies, is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. This theory suggests that by influencing these energy fields, one can facilitate healing at a physical, mental, and spiritual level.
The Quantum Field and Its Implications for Healing Understanding the Quantum Field: The quantum field is an underlying field of potential energy and information. It's considered the most fundamental level of existence, where all things originate. It's here that particles pop in and out of existence and where the potential for everything exists. Connection to Healing: The theory posits that by accessing and interacting with the quantum field, one can initiate changes that ripple back into the physical world, affecting health and wellbeing. It's a realm where intentions and consciousness can directly influence matter.
Here what I do for your health, happiness and spiritual growth:
Spiritual Healing: Energy Treatments, Coaching Sessions &Personal and Group Training
This is for people who:
- want to improve their health and life quality - suffer physically, emotionally or spiritually and are looking for solutions - want to re-shape their body - want to learn to be happy regardless of their current life situation - are looking for new friends or a partner - desire to experience a deep connection to their Higher Self - want to create a beautiful, healthy and radiating aura
I offer energy treatments and sessions in person and online.
All programs are available in English, German and Russian languages